The Fastest Way To Go From Prototype To Product In 75 Languages

The FluentC AdobeXD plug-in allows you to see your design in 75 languages with only three steps. Select your text, source language, and the language into which you want your text translated, and hit translate.

Bring AdobeXD To The Next Level

FluentC is an advanced tool that revolutionizes multi-language design, offering powerful features and a streamlined translation process for creating stunning interfaces.

The Key To A Great User Experience

FluentC streamlines the UI design process by providing a single source of truth for all localizable text and assets, reducing the amount of manual work required to manage translations and ensuring consistency across all languages.


1What is FluentC?
FluentC is a localization and translation tool that helps developers and designers manage the localization of their software products.
2How can FluentC help me streamline my UI design process?
FluentC streamlines the UI design process by providing a single source of truth for all localizable text and assets, reducing the amount of manual work required to manage translations and ensuring consistency across all languages. It also provides powerful tools for previewing and testing localized content, making it easier to catch and fix localization issues early in the development process.
3How does FluentC compare to other UI design tools on the market?
FluentC compares favorably to other localization tools in the market by offering a complete end-to-end solution for localization, from authoring and management to testing and deployment. It has a user-friendly interface, supports multiple file formats and has strong collaboration features to make localization a seamless process for teams of all sizes.
4How does FluentC integrate with Adobe XD?
We offer an integrated plugin that is available from the Adobe Creative Cloud and works directly in Adobe XD

Get In touch

Don’t hesitate to reach out, we’re always happy to hear from you and assist you with your queries.
